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Plant Care - Gloxinia

Light: Indirect or bright-diffused light is best.  This is a well-lit location out of direct sun.
Water: Moderately moist soil is preferred.  Water thoroughly when just he soil surface is dry to the touch.  Do not allow plants to stand in water.
Temperature: Warm - Prefers 70-75 daytime's and 65-70 nights.
Availability: All year.  Most popular March through November.
Color Range: Red, white, purple, often bicolor with contrasting edges.
Lasting Quality: 2-4 weeks or longer under proper conditions.
Key Tips for Success: The Luxurious, velvety Gloxinia needs bright light new buds to develop and open.  Low light will result in small, pale flowers.  Take care not to over water, as this can prevent buds from developing.  Avoid splashing water on the leaves which can cause yellow spots.  After flowering, Gloxinia will die back and require a period of dormancy.


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